1. Structure research
- Oxford Diffraction X'calibur four-circle single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with CCD Atlas detector, Oxford Diffraction Helijet helium attachment (T = 10 - 300 K) and Oxford Cryosystem Cryostream 800 Plus low-temperature nitrogen attachment (T = 80 - 500 K).
- KM4 four-circle single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with a CCD detector, Oxford Cryosystem Cryostream 600 low-temperature nitrogen attachment (85-300 K) and Oxford Diffraction high-temperature attachmnet (T = 300-700 K). The diffractometer is also equipped in a high-pressure Merrill-Bassett chamber enabling measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 10 GPa.
- PANalitycal X'Pert Pro X-ray powder diffractometer with Oxford Cryosystem 700 low-temperature nitrogen attachment (110-300 K) and Anton Paar HTK 1200 high-temperature closed attachment (325-1470 K); the diffractometer is able to work in Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry by using Johansson-type monochromator and in transmission geometry (for flat samples or capillaries) using a focusing mirror.
2. Optical studies
- Station for optical studies consisting of OLYMPUS BX53 microscope designed for observations in the polarized light with possible orthoscopic and conoscopic figure technique, equipped with Linkam THMS 600 temperature attachment (77-873 K), a XC50 CCD video camera, and SZX19 microscope for stereoscopic observations in transmitted and reflected light, with possibility of image recording.
3. Spectroscopical studies
- Bruker IFS-88 infrared (IR) and far infrared (FIR) Fourier spectrometer (range 4800-30 cm-1 resolution of 0.5 cm-1), with FRA-106 add-on for measurements of Fourier Raman spectra (range 3500- 80 cm-1) in temperature range from 13 K to 1000 K, both in powder samples and single crystals in polarized light using transmission and reflection technique.
- Jobin-Yvon Ramanor U-1000 Raman spectrometer with CCD detector and a photomultiplier. Measuring range of 10-4000 cm-1, with a resolution of 0.1 cm-1 in the temperature range from 13 K to 1000 K.
4. Phase transition studies
- Perkin-Elmer 8000 differential scanning calorimeter (range from 100 K to 870 K) with TGA PE-TGA4000 add-on, ranging from room temperature to 1300 K.